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The Catholic Conversation

Steve and Becky Greene, the Cradle and the Convert, help Catholics faithfully live their vocation by providing Church teaching, navigating moral challenges and exploring current issues facing the faith in our culture.

Saturdays at 10 a.m. on 1310 AM Relevant Radio in the Phoenix area.

Jun 30, 2014

Ron Johnson, executive director, Arizona Catholic Conference talks about religious freedom. This broadcast of The Catholic Conversation is brought to you by Villa Fatima Skilled Nursing Centers and Bradley Hahn, Attorney at Law. 7-1-14-Catholic-Conversation

Jun 25, 2014

Fr. Matt Lowry, chaplain, Holy Trinity Catholic Newman Center, NAU and associate vocations director for the Diocese of Phoenix talks about staying Catholic in college. Brought to you by 1st Way Pregnancy Centers. 6-24-14-Catholic-Conversation    

Jun 23, 2014

Joe Cady, director of Adult Catechesis at St. Timothy and instuctor at Kino Catechetical Institute talks about social justice. Brought to you by 1st Way Pregnancy Centers. 6-7-14-Catholic-Conversation

Jun 9, 2014

Eddie Cook, Mark Hart and Ryan Hanning join Steve Greene to talk about fatherhood. Brought to you by 1st Way Pregnancy Centers. 6-10-14-Catholic-Conversation  

Jun 2, 2014

Michael Matheson Miller, research fellow and director of Acton Media at the Acton Institute talks about a free market approach to ending poverty. This broadcast of The Catholic Conversation is brought to you by Villa Fatima Skilled Nursing Centers and Bradley Hahn, Attorney at Law. 6-3-14-Catholic-Conversation