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The Catholic Conversation

Steve and Becky Greene, the Cradle and the Convert, help Catholics faithfully live their vocation by providing Church teaching, navigating moral challenges and exploring current issues facing the faith in our culture.

Saturdays at 10 a.m. on 1310 AM Relevant Radio in the Phoenix area.

Jun 28, 2019

Our culture needs strong, holy men. Author Sam Guzman joins us today to explore what masculinity looks like through a Catholic lens and talks about his book The Catholic Gentleman.

Today's broadcast is brought to you in part by Solidarity Healthshare

Jun 28, 2019

If you're living your vocation in marriage, you know how challenging it can be. Patty Schneier who will be the Keynote Speaker at the Together in Holiness marriage conference in September joins us on the show to share some wisdom for keeping marriages strong.

Today's show is brought to you by our friends at Morning...

Jun 18, 2019

Has our culture lost common sense? Defiance of nature and intolerance in the name of tolerance are just a few examples. Can Christians reclaim common sense and save the culture? Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League joins us for a lively conversation about the state of our culture and his book, Common...

Jun 11, 2019

Who is Jesus? It's hard to know sometimes with so many conflicting theories about Him. Trent Horn explores 18 false ideas about Jesus along with the facts that reveal Jesus to us. You won't want to miss this funny and intelligent conversation on the truth about Jesus. You can also read more in Trent's book,...

Jun 5, 2019

From a difficult life in her childhood, Muslim home to new life full of love, family and faith. Speaker, podcaster and author of From Islam to Christ shares her inspiring story.

Today's show is brought to you by our friends at Morning Star OB/GYN: