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The Catholic Conversation

Steve and Becky Greene, the Cradle and the Convert, help Catholics faithfully live their vocation by providing Church teaching, navigating moral challenges and exploring current issues facing the faith in our culture.

Saturdays at 10 a.m. on 1310 AM Relevant Radio in the Phoenix area.

Apr 26, 2016

Dr. Thomas Madden, professor of Medieval History and director, Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies helps us understand the truth of the Inquisition. The Catholic Conversation is brought to you in part by Morning Star OB/GYN. Never miss a show! Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes! 4-26-16-Catholic-Convo

Apr 19, 2016

Author, speaker, writer for The Catholic Sun, Joyce Coronel helps us understand the plight of persecuted Christians, especially in the Middle East. This broadcast of The Catholic Conversation is brought to you by  Bradley Hahn, Attorney at Law. Never miss a show! Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes!...

Apr 12, 2016

Tom Peterson, president and founder, Catholics Come Home tells his story and shares his mission to evangelize. The Catholic Conversation is brought to you in part by Morning Star OB/GYN. Never miss a show! Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes! 4-12-16-Catholic-Convo

Apr 5, 2016

Grace Urbanski, director of the children’s ministry at the Apostleship of Prayer gives us tips on how to pray with our children. This broadcast of The Catholic Conversation is brought to you by  Bradley Hahn, Attorney at Law. Never miss a show! Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes! 4-5-16-Catholic-Convo