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The Catholic Conversation

Steve and Becky Greene, the Cradle and the Convert, help Catholics faithfully live their vocation by providing Church teaching, navigating moral challenges and exploring current issues facing the faith in our culture.

Saturdays at 10 a.m. on 1310 AM Relevant Radio in the Phoenix area.

Jul 28, 2023

Buckle up for some fun while you take a journey with Steve and Becky through their recent travel adventures. 

Jul 21, 2023

Take a journey into the intersection of faith and science as Dr. Jay Richards explains the concept of intelligent design. He's contributed to the book God's Grandeur: The Catholic Case for Intelligent Design

Jul 14, 2023

Where can we find good examples for courtship in a confusing and morally treacherous dating landscape? Patrick O'Hearn shares how saintly couples found each other and married. His book is Courtship of the Saints: How the Saints Met their Spouses

Jul 7, 2023

Steve and Becky Greene share stories and reflections to kick off the Summer!