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The Catholic Conversation

Steve and Becky Greene, the Cradle and the Convert, help Catholics faithfully live their vocation by providing Church teaching, navigating moral challenges and exploring current issues facing the faith in our culture.

Saturdays at 10 a.m. on 1310 AM Relevant Radio in the Phoenix area.

Apr 25, 2018

The culture of death is spreading, often disguised as philanthropic or sociopolitical programs. Obianuju Exeocha, founder and president of Culture of Life Africa, is fighting back.

Today's broadcast brought to you in part by Solidarity Healthshare

Apr 18, 2018

You know those famous quotes we attribute to saints? It turns out, many of them were not said by saints at all. Trent Horn, author, speaker, apologist with Catholic Answers talks about his new podcast, The Counsel of Trent and his book What the Saints Never Said: Pious Misquotes and the Subtle Heresies They Teach...

Apr 12, 2018

Fr. Charlie Goraieb, pastor, St. Timothy Catholic Church in Mesa describes the three stages of the spiritual life - the purgative, the illuminative and the unitive. Tune in to find out where you are on the journey to holiness.

Today's broadcast brought to you in part by Solidarity Healthshare

Apr 4, 2018

Christine Accurso, practice manager at Morning Star OB/GYN and member of the Board of Managers of Pro Women's Healthcare Consortium talks about authentic healthcare for women.

Today's show is brought to you by our friends at Morning Star OB/GYN: